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Showing posts with label popular. Show all posts

Download Meulageum Fonts Family From Edcreative

Download Meulageum Fonts Family From Edcreative

Meulageum is a serif font that combines classic style fonts with minimalist design touches, producing beautiful and elegant font forms. Supported by ligatures and other additional characters, Meulageum will give you a lot of design possibilities. The various alternative styles make Meulageum ideal for logos, posters, covers, main packaging, t-shirts, business cards, wedding cards and more. The name "Meulageum" is taken from the regional language of Sumatra and means "to walk". Meulageum contains Uppercase and Lowercase Characters and has Foreign Language Support: ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ Feel free to comment, send a PM or email me. Thanks.

Download Meulageum Fonts Family From Edcreative

Download Manthoels Fonts Family From Almarkha Type

Download Manthoels Fonts Family From Almarkha Type

Manthoels is our new Stylish Signature font, a fashionable and super-chilled sexy script. Manthoels was created to look as close to a natural handwritten script as possible. Built with OpenType features, this script comes to life as if you are writing it yourself. Thanks to the very natural writing techniques that look beautiful and elegant, this font is very suitable to be used to brand a product because if you write a brand name it will look like your company signature. Manthoels is perfect for bloggers, trademarks, magazines, fashion, wedding invitations, greeting cards. It's highly recommended to use it in OpenType capable software - there are plenty out there nowadays as technology catches up with design.Other than Photoshop, Illustrator and Indesign, many standard simple programs now come with OpenType capabilities - even the most basic ones such as Apple’s Text Edit, Pages, Keynote, iBooks Author, and others. Thanks for checking Manthoels out, and feel free to drop me a message if you have any queries.

Download Manthoels Fonts Family From Almarkha Type